Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are you a current PSU student? Do you eat food? Perfect! Come visit us for free groceries. All you need is your PSU ID. During summer term, we serve students who are enrolled in either summer or fall terms.

  • There is no limit on how often patrons can visit the Pantry. You are welcome to come everyday or multiple times a day if you prefer. Please check in every time you enter the Pantry.

  • Please fill out the self check-in form when you enter the Pantry. Once you are checked in, you are welcome to shop as long as the shopping area is below capacity. If the shopping area is at capacity, you will be asked to wait a few minutes until the people currently shopping have finished. Once you are ready to shop, the Pantry provides baskets, bags, and boxes for your use. Please stay in the shopping area and return your shopping basket to the basket stack when you are finished. There is no check out process.

  • We are proud to have returned to “open distribution”, which means that every patron is invited to take what you can use. For high demand items that are hard to acquire, there may be recommendations for items per patron. Each patron is asked to consider these recommendations while shopping to increase availability of high demand items.

  • We receive food several times a day, and we restock all day. What we have in stock at any given time depends upon Oregon Food Bank offerings, our partners’ donations, and wholesale produce that we can afford to purchase. Pantry staff do their best to ensure that a diversity of items are available at all times.

  • The United Nations estimates about one-third of the world’s food is wasted each year. A major source of this waste is food that is past the best by, sell by, or expiration date, but is still safe to eat. All food offered by the Food Pantry is within the food safety regulations set by the Oregon Food Bank. If you have concerns about an item’s safety, please let a staff member know.

  • The food pantry no longer offers appointments. Our new check-in system and expanded space have allowed us to change to walk-in only service with patrons generally having to wait just a few minutes before shopping at our busiest times.

  • The Pantry’s operating expenses are paid for by Student Fees. Please see the “About Us” page for a link to the Student Fee Committee Website, where you can see that each student pays just a few dollars per term to support the Pantry.

    Our operations are heavily supported by the Oregon Food Bank, who also donates most of our food and provides us with occasional grant funding for items like refrigerators.

    Several local businesses also donate food to the Pantry, and many large and small donors provide us with funding which we use to purchase food we cannot obtain through donations. For more information visit our “Donate” page.